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Es una empresa de fabricación de piezas , la cual esta comprometido desde su inicio a ofrecer la máxima garantía y calidad de sus servicios .

Todos los procesos son verificados asegurando la validez del producto en todo momento, teniendo como resultado el cumplimiento de los requisitos de calidad de cada cliente.

The company's management is committed to maintaining the highest level of safety in our operations, as well as the health and safety of our employees.


UNE-EN-ISO9001:2015 / EN 9100:2018


  • We have the necessary processes and measuring equipment to offer a precision product with the highest quality.


  • We focus primarily on the VALIDITY AND DELIVERY of the product at all times.


  • We perform the necessary controls and guidelines on each piece giving a unique approach to the quality and validity of the same.


  • We verify the accuracy of the machine on a regular basis, with certified patterns and other elements.

  • Once we have the finished parts, we check them with our measuring devices, which are checked every time they are used and in the following way periodically they are sent to a company externa de metrología para certificar que cumplen con la medición .


  • All the documentation of each product that we industrialize is stored digitally, with all the latest revisions and evolutions that it may have had, maintaining a high control and management of the documentation, creating a safe and reliable process at all times.
Compliance with delivery dateç
Product conformity
Product nonconformity
  • Flatness, +/- 0.03 mm.
  • Concentricidad entre taladros, +/- 0,01 mm.
  • H7 and H6 (diameter adjustment).
  • Hole spacing, +/- 0.01 mm.
  • Positioning error in 5 AXES, +/- 0.03 mm.
  • Shape error, +/- 0.03 mm.
  • Roughness 3.2 - 1.6
  • Our equipment is equipped with 3D measurement probes.
  • Comparator clocks
  • Inner microns with division +/- 0.002 (microns)
  • Calibration standards
  • Thickness gauge
  • King foot
  • 3d measuring probes
  • Etc..
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